Upcoming ACCA’s Practice Room session. Join 

This March, the ACCA’s Practice Room – the peer-to-peer community series dedicated to supporting small and medium practices (SMPs) – continues its successful revamped sessions. 

Attracting talent for future success 

On 9 March, Anastasia Chalkidou, Dato’ Lock Peng Kuan and Heather Smith, who run their own modern future-focused practices in Greece, Malaysia and Australia, will discuss their top tips on attracting talent to your practice for future success. 

Finding the right people is crucial but knowing the right ways to entice them into joining your team is going to prove essential for your business in today’s competitive marketplace. 

Especially in the last two years, hybrid work and the flexibility it has provided have drastically transformed the global field, multiplying the available options. 

For recruiters, it’s important to implement innovative strategies to attract talent, including finding passive but talented candidates, those who are “not actively looking for a job”.  

During this session, the participants shall pose questions and discuss key considerations to look for in attracting talent. In the last ACCA’s Practice Room session, more than a hundred members from over 35 countries, joined to share their insight and experiences. 

You can join the three hosts in the Practice Room for ‘Attracting talent for future success.’  Register today here. 

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