Professional Training

Training by qualified professionals in the fields of Accounting and Information Technology.

The added value for your business

   The comprehensive and systematic professional training in new technologies and developments in accounting, actively contribute to the improvement of productivity and competitiveness of a company.

   Through specialized management training and development of executives, Quantum Business & IT Solutions carries the most up-to-date knowledge and appropriate methodologies and practices always counting on what each company needs more.


Educational I.T. & Accounting services!

For the valid and reliable training of your staff


Contact Information

Quantum Business & IT Solutions
Business Registry Number: 148464501000

Athens: 30-32 Perikleous, Syntagma 105 62

Thessaloniki: Vasileos Irakleiou 53 & Karolou Ntil, 54623

211 210 40 50
[email protected]

Monday - Friday: 09:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

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